Customer cases
Inspiring customer stories from businesses that automated their operational processes with Bothive's communication solutions.

Slagerij Vandycke (ENG)

Discover how Slagerij Vandycke combines efficiency and customer focus during the holiday rush with the help of Olivia, an AI assistant from Chathive. Learn how the flexible deployment of this smart assistant eases the workload and elevates the customer experience during the busiest time of the year.
”With Olivia and Chathive on our side, we stay efficient and customer-focused throughout the holiday rush. Our customers receive fast and personalized support, while we can focus on what truly matters.”

Slagerij Vandycke (NL)

Lees hier hoe Slagerij Vandycke tijdens de feestdrukte efficiëntie en klantgerichtheid combineert met hulp van Olivia, een AI-assistent van Chathive.
”Dankzij Olivia en Chathive blijven we tijdens de feestdrukte efficiënt en klantgericht. Onze klanten krijgen snelle en persoonlijke hulp, terwijl wij ons kunnen focussen op wat echt belangrijk is.”

The Contact Center of the Flemish Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)

Discover how our chatbot supports the VLAIO Contact Center in handling questions from starting entrepreneurs.
”Our idea that a chatbot is a very accessible channel has now been confirmed. People often try the chatbot first before they pick up the phone or compose an email.”